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Fully-automatic fertilizer applicator
Fully-automatic fertilizer applicator
Fully-automatic fertilizer applicator
detailed information

智能水肥一体机 三吸肥ZNC

Intelligent water-fertilizer AIO  three fertilizer sucking channels ZNC


                       Intelligent fertilizer applicator YN-ZNF


Other functions of low-configuration equipment cannot be extended

1. 三通道施肥,通道单路250L/H

Three-channel fertilization, flow of each channel 250L/H

2. 1.5KW不锈钢施肥泵

1.5KW stainless steel fertilization pump


Manual partitioning

4. 7寸触摸屏控制

7 inch touch screen control

5. 进肥量手动调节

Fertilizer sucking quantity adjusted manually

6. 三路肥料自动搅拌功能

Automatic mixing of three-channel fertilizer


Instantaneous flow and accumulated flow display of fertilizer

1. 三通道施肥,通道单路250L/H

Three-channel fertilization, flow of each channel 250L/H

2. 1.5KW不锈钢工业注肥泵

1.5KW stainless steel industrial fertilization pump

3. 额定注肥压力8公斤。

Rated fertilization pressure 8kg.

4. 注肥流量1.2方\H

Fertilization flow 1.2m3/H

5. 外部区域电磁阀扩展控制功能(可扩展256路)

Solenoid valve extension control function in the external area (256 channels extensible)

6. 7寸触摸屏控制

7 inch touch screen control

7. 自动混肥搅拌功能

Automatic fertilizer mixing function

8. 灌溉施肥工艺扩展

Irrigation fertilization process extension

9. 水源水泵首部控制

Water source pump control

10. 灌溉模式:分区循环、定时定量控制

 Irrigation model: Area-based circulation, timing and quantitative control.

11. 可以实时监测注肥总量和瞬时注肥量、实时监测工作电压 , 各类故障实时监测和报警功能.


The total fertilization quantity, instant fertilization quantity and working voltage can be monitored in real time. Real-time fault monitoring and alarm can be realized too.

Meteorological station, soil moisture status, IoT platform are extensible.


Optional configuration


EC,PH detection

手机APP (包含三年服务费 ) 云平台连接手机端PC端

Mobile APP (including three years of service fee), cloud platform connecting the mobile end and the PC end

EC  自动调节配比

EC automatic mixing proportion adjustment


Automatic fertilizer mixing barrel, including mixing motor + 304 stainless steel mixing rod (chemical class) 500L


Automatic fertilizer mixing barrel, including mixing motor + 304 stainless steel mixing rod (chemical class) 1000L

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